Strategic plan on EV charging in Växjö

As early as 1996, Växjö Municipality adopted its fossil fuel free goal for the geographical area. This is to be achieved by 2030. It is clear that emissions from transportation needs to be tackled in many ways in order to reach the goal. Electrification of the transport system is one way to do that. Improved EV charging infrastructure was identified as one key action to carry out, and therefore the development of a strategy for this became a part of the READY project.

The strategy points ut 400-450 establishments of public chargers, which, depending on the choice of charger, could mean around 700 charging points. Many of those will be under the responsibility of Växjö Municipality and Växjö Energy to realise, but other stakeholders are also important.

The strategy handles strategies for establishment of charging infrastructure in the city and five bigger villages. It also handles what strategy should be used for establishment in parking houses, parking lots, commuter parking spaces, fuel stations etc.

The strategy deals with public charging. However, there is also a discussion on solutions that could be offered to citizens living in municipally owned apartments.  

The EV charging infrastructure strategy suggests that the establishments of the infrastructure will be carried out continuously, taking actual need as well as economical sustainability into consideration. The strategy does therefore not say how many chargers should be realised every year.

The draft version of the EV charging infrastructure strategy can be found in Appendix 1. The final version of the strategy will be politicially approved early 2020, but it is unlikely that any big changes will occur.

Read the entire deliverable D.4.6.2 Strategic plan on EV charging in Växjö.

Want to know more?

Delivery no. D.4.6.2 Report on Strategic plan on EV charging in Växjö Please contact: Mr. Henrik Johansson, Växjö Municipality,